Friday 30 April 2010

Audience Response Analysis

When asking the group what the good things about our trailer they answered with the following; a wiode range of shots allowing for smooth transitions, Effective titles creating tension and enigma, Good use of location and costume. There were some negatives with our trailer mainly due to the pace and timing of our trailer, this was down tot he fact that because of the length of the trailer it made it seem more like a theatrical trailer rather than a teaser, this is perhaps not too much of a negative but does link to us giving away too much of our plot. The pace was judged as we held on too long on shots which perhaps detracted away some of the tension.
After receiving these comments I am pleased with the general themes that were involved in our trailer i.e acting, storyline, setting and camera work but perhaps some improvements were neccessary in the editing proccess with timings being the major problem.

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