The above font would be inappropriate because it has a sense of immaturity and informality, and would probably be better suited to either an animated production or humorous family film.
The above font is one that the group considered as possibly a useable title, we eventually came to the conclusion that we could not use it as we didn't see any link with this font and the style of film that we were doing, what we liked about was how it stood out among the rest.
The above option is what we consider to be a feminine font, this can be seen due to the swirly handwriting. The benefit of this would emphasise Lola's gender and femininity, however we feel might be a bit to "girly" and therefore a contradiction of Lola's dangerous and powerful edge.

Personally, my favourite font is the last one. I feel it is most appropriate and entails aspects we want such as boldness and a sense of our genre.