Thursday 18 February 2010

Planning and Preparation

Abbie: Well done. An excellent effort from you and a high level of proficiency. To improve your grade even further then try to mention how some of these trailers are targeting their target audience even more in your analysis. You can include a timeline and show how you have stuck to your own targets and deadlines and include your powerpoint presentation to improve your grade.

Level 4

Greg: I am very impressed with your work Greg, well done. Note what I have said for Abbie and try a apply a bit more media theory in your analysis. Show how you have managed your time even more to improve your grade.

Level 4

Nilesh: You have made some positive contributions to your group, well done Nilesh. To improve your grade try to show how you, and the trailers you have researched, have addressed target audience. Perhaps you could show some independent research into film institutions, telling us why you have agreed on Columbia. Try to include more comment on the decisions your group has made to improve your grade.

Level 3

Ruby: Well done Ruby. To improve your grade you need to comment on more of the planning and show how you have been involved in time manangement and meeting dealines. Include your own commentaries on settings, scripting and storyboards as much as you can, refering to target audience, to improve your grade.

Level 3

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