Friday 12 February 2010

Finishing Touches

To finish off our film trailer we have found our background music which we discussed and described in a previous post and we also found the sound effects we needed to put the trailer together and help it make sense. This included a phone ringing and a car screech at the end. We found getting hold of the music and sound effects one of the most difficult tasks to do because we found it hard to find a website that can give you free, non-copyrighted music and sound effects. We eventually managed to find them by searching through google results and although they're not as perfect as we wanted them to be they still fit in with our trailer and give it the tension and suspense the trailer needed.
Secondly, we added the title we created near the beginning of the production poster on to the end of the trailer, so the trailer has an effective finish. We decided to stick with this draft because it used the font and colour we wanted for the title and we agreed the picture was appropriate because it isn't a photo, which we plan to use in our film poster and magazine cover and we didn't want them to clash.
One of the flaws we found in our film trailer is that the dialogue when two characters are having a conversation over the phone is slightly quieter than the rest of the music we added into the trailer. If we were to do this again we would use a microphone so the dialogue is clearer and louder because it is important to the narrative of the trailer.

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