Sunday 7 March 2010

Task:Salt : Poster analysis

"Salt" is a film meant to be released for the summer of 2010. It is a film which the main lead is a female and is meant to be of the action genre, which is what our film is aiming to be. Here is my analysis of the film poster.

The first thing that strikes me when looking at this poster is the picture of the woman against the black background. This tells me that this woman is going to be the main focus in the film. She is looking right at the audience in the poster to try and attract our attention. Also her face gives nothing away and seems very serious suggesting to the audience that she is not there to be messed about with.

The next thing i notice is the actress who is in the film. Angelina Jolie, a very well known actress who has played a dominant female lead in action thrillers such as Wanted and Lara croft. This tells me that this film is probably going to be of a similar genre as she is experienced in the genre. The next thing i notice is the name of the film "salt". It is writen across the womans in big and small lettering, suggesting to me that this woman on the poster is most likely to be "salt" herself. Then to go with the name of the film, the poster consists of a question the audience dont know how to answer. "who is salt?". I think the creates of the poster have done this because it makes the audience want to know who "salt" is and will have to go whatch the film to find out or they go on the website which is found out at the bottom of the poster to find out more infomation about who she is.

I think this poster should definitley be looked at for our film poster because it is of the same genre as our film. I think we could take ideas from this from the colour scheme of the poster and what sort of picture to take of our main character if we wanted to our poster in this way.

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