Tuesday 30 March 2010

Magazine Cover Analysis

Above is an image of the front cover of Empire Magazines July 2008 Edition which headlines the latest Batman film; The Dark Knight. Empire is taken over by the films thematical colouring of black and blue. Black is often associated to death, evil, and mystery which will therefore probably be included to some degree in the film. Likewise, blue has its own connotations; it is not as emotionally warm as opposing colours such as orange or red and is often used to represent masculinity. The dominating focus of the image is on the mask that the face is wearing. Batmans mask is highly iconic, so it is relevant and effective to emphasise it because it causes associations with the established and successful brand. Any sequal film will aim to target previous fans of original material as well as new generations and different demographics. The character is engaging the audience with a menacing stare that gives a depth and indication that he has a mission he is intent on acomplishing. The frame of his face is illuminated which is a technique of dramatisation. We can also see that his outline has been blurred which conjures the idea of movement and velocity; this is emblematic of the action theme of the film and the high paced activity it is likely to entail. The content of the cover on the whole is unfussy so attention is easily drawn to the films title which is juxtaposed with a taglined caption that gives details of release.

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