Tuesday 30 March 2010

Lola Film Poster Analysis

I believe our film poster comprises the basic fundamental features of a succesful teaser poster. It is pleasing to the eye and looks professional which I think is important because it is one of the first things people will notice. This is largely due our strenuous analysis of high quality film posters and our careful judegement in picking the best ideas for us to steal and make our own. It is also due to good photoshopping skills we are lucky to have within our group, I believe all of us have made sufficient personal progress in our use of the programme since we have had a chance to increase our experience levels a lot this year. The adjustments we made via photoshop are subtle yet highly effective; they enabled us to excentuate the beauty of our character, which will be a helpful tool in attracting our largely male target audience. They also contribute to the bold impact of the poster via illumination techniques. I think we have struck a fantastic balance between establishing genre and giving too much away; the use of our prop signals an action theme but its unconventional setting raises enigma. In the same way, our costume conceals the full identity of Lola so audiences must rely on connoting other themes of the poster; the black and red colours signal the possibility of a dark and passionate dimension to Lola which makes us curious about the films plot. The character of Lola is our films main focus so I think that her dominating proportion of the poster is about right. The only slight criticisms that come to mind are that we possibly could have found a more appropriate font for the title, and - although a matter of personal opinion - the minimalism of the poster could be criticised for our failure to encorporate an effective feature such as a caption or acknowledgement of director etc. Personally I like the minimalistic style and think the unfussy image allows a striking effect. Overall I am very proud and pleased with our poster.

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