Tuesday 30 March 2010

Task: Film Poster: Analysis

I think the teaser film poster is really good. I like how we have managed to keep it so simple so an audience can not confused by what is going on in the poster. I think the strongest point to the poster is the use of colours used. The top left of the poster is covered in black so the "Lola" writing shows very clearly and is probably the first thing an audience will notice about the poster. Lola is seen lying on a red dovet cover, suggest the film will contain voilence. This is then more backed up by the fact that Lola has a gun by her hands suggest she may be a killer or an assassin. Then the photo of "Lola" can give mixed opinions. Even though Lola has a gun by her hands, her face suggests that something bad has happened. Making her seem vulnerable in the poster. She is also not looking at the audeince in the poster with more of a sad face than serious, making the audience think that maybe she is a cold hearted killer but will not know unless they go watch the film. The "coming soon" at the bottom of the poster makes the audience want to know the exact date, but will not be told so have to keep looking for newer posts to find out when its realised enticing the audience to find out more.
I think if we wanted to improve the poster, we could make it a bit more complex. The poster now is very simple which may come across as a boring poster to some audiences. If we added abit more information about the film, it would make audiences want to know more and make them want to watch it. I think we could of also chosing a different picture to use for the teaser poster. I like the one we have used now is good but i think if we chose a picture where "Lola" is looking at the audience, it will bring the "sex" appeal to men to come watch it aswell as the woman. This could then create a wider audience range to look at the poster.

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