Tuesday 16 March 2010

The Dark Knight Poster Analysis

This is a poster for the 2008 film "The Dark Knight" the second installment in Christopher Nolan's batman series.
The Background of the poster is made up of joker cards, which links in with the villain in the film, who is called the "Joker", and as you get towards the middle of the poster the shape of "Batman" can be seen.
The Batman shape is distorted, because of the cards and what appears to be bloodstains across his mouth which again links the look of the "Joker".
Resting on the page is a scalpel, which appears as though it shouldn't be part of the poster, but links the violence of the "Joker" in to the theme of the film.
Dotted around the image of "Batman" is quotes which "The Joker" says throughout the film.
At the bottom of the page the logo's Warner Brothers and DC comics are shown as they are very successful companies and are there to show off thir reputation and gain an audience looking for a good film.
This is a dark poster which links the theme of the film with the character being portrayed, This is shown with blood stains and a scalpel on the page. What We hope to gain from this poster is an air of mystery surrounding the main image, and the audience to look closer at the poster and realise new interesting details.

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