Thursday 25 March 2010

Kick Ass Poster analysis

Kick Ass is a new film coming out in March 2010, it is about an average boy who decides to become a superhero.
First impressions of this poster quite clearly show it to be a teaser poster as the majority of the poster detail is dedicated to genre and film indicators as apposed to actors, Directors and any institutional information is given tiny font in the bottom corner of the image.
Starting with the image itself it shows a bruised and beaten teenage boy in a homemade superhero outfit crawling out of a dumpster, this is a clear indicator to the film itself, with a high quality setting and good camera work, being blended in with a simple and effective image.
The name of the film is displayed on the front of the dumpster, the font being used for it is in the style of spray paint which is there to appeal to the teenage audience, just above the name of the film is a warning sign wich is another clear genre indicator and reiterates the violence in the film.
the tagline, i can't fly but i can kick your ass, shows that he is just an average boy with no special superpowers, but the classic teenage response of big headedness shows that he can still fight you.
This poster shows that little or no distributor information is required to make a good poster, the image itself and how the title is interpreted shows the importanc of the character and the genre of the film itself. From this poster we hope to gain the ability to make the image the most important thing on the page.

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