Sunday 21 March 2010

Task:Total Film: Magazine cover analysis

Total film is a rival film magazine company to Empire. Both have their ways of attract audiences. Here is my analysis of the total film magazine front cover and we could take ideas from this cover and use it in ours.

The first thing that stands out to me is the writing at the bottom third of the cover. "Sherlock" is in capitals and in white lettering and "Holmes" is in capitals in Blue lettering. This tells me that this magazine is mainly going to be about the film "Sherlock Holmes". I then notice the male figure which dominates the front cover. This to audiences is most likely to be the actor who plays Sherlock holmes. He is presented wearing quite smart clothing with a small grin on his face whilst looking at you. I think this has been done to try and grab the audiences reading this cover.

I then notice the name of the magazine. "Total film", the "film" is in in big bold lettering to catch the audiences of eye of what magazine it is. I finally notice the colour of the background compared to the colours of the writing. It is like a mix of white and blue with a white background over the mans head. This is good because it makes the man stand out from the magazine which is what Total film want to do.

I think this is a good film cover. It is kept very simple with no colour clashes. I think we should take ideas about what colours we should use for our background and how we should photo Lola. Maybe giving her a serious face or maybe a small grin depending on what looks best

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