Friday 26 March 2010

Magazine Cover Analysis

The main attraction to this poster is the main picture in the middle of the page, this is a picture of well known and Oscar winning Actor "Tom Hanks", he is dressed in WW2 clothing and armed with a period gun from that time. This is an intelligent use of a picture as it allows fans of Tom Hanks to be attracted to the magazine, as well as fans of war movies.
Next to the image is in large writing, "Saving Private Ryan", which is linked to the picture, so it is now apparent that the image is linked to the title, above the title in slightly smaller writing is the name Spielberg, so you can now link the film, lead actor and director. Next to the writing is three images of supporting actors including Matt Damon, Edward Burns and Tom Sizemore. By showing the images it shows the important of these cast members but not on the same level as Tom Hanks, which without having the knowledge might lead you to thinking that he might be Private Ryan. Below this it reads "Tom Hanks triumphs in the most incredible movie of the year", this is clever use of saying that this film has an amazing actor as well as it being one of the best films of the year.
Next to the image is a yellow box filled with bold clear writing saying that every new film is reviewed and rated, this is comforting for the reader as they no that whatever film they are interested in, will be in there.
Tucked away in the bottom corner of the magazine is three titles giving information on new articles and film information, the first one reads "There's Something About Mary" and below tells you about Cameron diaz and Matt Dillon who are cast members of that film, this explains that there may be some form of information on this film and these actors. Below this is the title "Fame Kills" and it tells you about the shocking revelations behind the life and death of children actors, this is here to perhaps highlight a recent relevant news story or perhaps an interesting article on a small segment of international cinema. Below this is some advertising on how you can get free tickets to two movies selected by the magazine which are obviously chosen for a reason by the magazine.
Right at the bottom of the page is a title saying about the 50 greatest war movies, this links in with the main feature of the cover being saving private ryan so it is grabbing the attention of war movie lovers with the image and than they will want to buy it due to the content.
From this magazine cover we hope to gain our target audience with the image itself and than make them want to find out more about the filmns being advertised.

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