Saturday 27 March 2010

Evaluation of Film Trailer

Overall, I think the production and making of our film trailer went very well, it had its stresses and disagreements but we are all very pleased with the outcome. I feel something we developed from last years project was the depth we went into when it came to the analysis of existing film trailers. Another thing I think helped this year's project to be more successful was the fact I was in a larger group of four rather than just two of us. I believe this helped because more ideas and views were thrown around and this helped in perfecting our final piece. We also did many different posts on ideas, audience and many other things and from reading each other posts we were able to learn and develop to improve our own posts. The only problem we had with working in a larger group was the time restrictions. We found it hard to find time to get together and do the filming but we did eventually work hard to manage this and were able to move on to the editing process. The editing process was probably my favourite part of the production process because I learnt how to use the new software, Adobe Premiere Elements, and also many other skills that came with it such as slow motion and fast forward and the addition of titles ect.
In the trailer itself I think the strongest part is the ending. This is because it adds that element of enigma and mystery and I like the fast shot-reverse-shots and editing we used to build the suspense up to the very end, with the addition of titles to keep it even more interesting . The music we chose also added to the suspense and fitted in nicely. The thing I would change in our trailer is probably the length of it, I feel we got slightly carried away with the variety of shots we used and what was supposed to be a teaser trailer probably ended up more a theatrical one. If I was to do this project again I would spend even more time analysing common features and conventions of a teaser trailer and not think so much about what the narrative of the trailer is and focus more on compelling and enticing the audience and planting an interesting and exciting thought of what this film could be in their minds.

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