Sunday 28 March 2010

Research and Planning: photo choices

From the previous post below about the photos for our film poster. I have chosen 1 photo for which i think we should use for the film poster and 1 photo for which i think we should use for the magazine front cover.

I think this picture should be used for our film magazine front cover because there is a "sexy" image to this poster and it gives part of the genre away. Lacey (in the photo) has got a serious face whilst looking at the camera. This in my opinion draws the attention of males to look at this photo as she has the "sexy" image. It will also attract females to look at it because she has got a gun in her hand. This will tell the female audience that she may be attractive but also be lethal when she wants to. The gun will also give the genre away. Audiences will believe that this film will have voilence in it and maybe some action. The camerea is also slightly angled so the audience is looking up to her, this makes her seem powerful in the image and make us as the audience look up to her. Making it a good optioin for a front cover magazine

I think this picture should be used for our film poster because it doesnt give to much of the film away but enough to entice an audience to look at it. Lacey ( Lola) is holding a gun in her right hand with her finger touching the triger. This tells the audience that this film will have some voilence and maybe action it it. She is also looking at the camera with a small grin on her face. This will capture both the female and male audiences as men will like the "sex" appeal and woman will like the fact that she is holding a gun and maybe the lead role in the film. I also think its good because it is a simple photo, and I think if we keep it simple audiences can not get confused about what the film could be about.

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