Tuesday 30 March 2010

Evaluation: Magazine cover analysis

I am happy with the overall outcome of our magazine cover The thing that stands out the most to me in our magazine cover is how much more intimidating and sexy it is compared to the more laid back, mysterious film poster we made. I think this takes the promotion of our film to the next level because it is showing the audience two sides of this character and giving them more to find out and look forward to in our film. I like the way we used a black and white picture with red lettering for the magazine title and our film title. This is because the red lettering stands out really well in front of the black and white photo and its extremely effective an eye-catching when it comes to competition in magazine sales. We used the colour red for the title of our film because it connotes sex and glamour but at the same time death, which begins to give the audience a sense of what genre this film might be. The black and white effect also makes the cover look more old fashioned and with the hat and the gun it looks slightly like an old gangsta film, which I think is a good effect and may intrigue a wider audience with the creation of enigma. We also mentioned other up and coming films and interviews included inside the magazine so the audience gets more information, this is a common convention we took from looking at other magazine covers. Also under the title 'Lola' the tagline 'This Summer's Surprise' is written. This use of alliteration and quirky grammar makes the cover seem more fun and exciting. It also gives away when the film may be released, but still not an exact date to keep the audience guessing.
Obviously we used a picture of our main character to let audiences know who is going to be included in our film, we believe after analysing existing magazine covers that this is important in the promoting of a film. We also have Lacey looking at the camera, so that on the magazine cover it seems like she is staring at the audience/reader, making them feel more included and involved and enticing them in further. We also mentioned other famous films and an interview with Robert Pattinson because we believe this is an important factor in today's cinema and media world.

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