Monday 15 March 2010

Task: Charlies Angels:Poster Analysis

Charlie's Angles is an action thriller film released in 2003. Its about 3 woman who are set a mission to complete. This film has a mainly female dominant lead, which is similar to our film which is why we should look at this film poster and take ideas from it. Here is my analysis of the film poster.

The first thing i notice about the film poster is the name of the title in bold writing, "Charlie's Angels". This tells the audience that this film is going to contain atleast two main characters and as there discribed as "Angels", they are most likely to be female actresses.

The next thing i notice about the poster is the orange coloured fire as the background with a little triangle of white light shining on the woman. This tells me and the audience that this film could contain alot heat, intensity and action to it. The triangle of white light then shines on the three woman. This tells the audience that these 3 woman are most likely to be "Charlie's Angels".

The woman in the poster all seemed to be dressed in black, to give in my opinion a scense that they are slightly like ninjas. You cant see their faces to well but they are all captured doing a pose maybe meaning that they could be attractive woman. Which is ironic to the name of the film. Also with the 3 girls, they are quite small in the poster, but the shadows of them are big and take up most of the bottom half of the page. This suggests to me and the audience that all three woman put together make them a powerful team.

Finally i notice the actresses in the film and slogan underneath the title film. The film contains 3 well known actresses meaning they audiences looking at the poster know who they are and what films they have played previous parts in. The slogan is "Get some action", this tells the audience and me that this film is going to contain alot of action and should only be whatched if you like action packed films.

I think this we should look and take ideas from this poster from how the three woman are betrayed in the poster, this is because we need to get the point across to our audience about how Lola is the dominant lead in the film.

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