Wednesday 10 March 2010

True Romance Film Poster Analysis

True Romance is a Quentin Tarrantino film, made in 1993, about the main character Clarence, who marries a hooker named Alabama. He steals cocaine from her pimp and tries to sell it in Hollywood, whilst the owners of the coke try to reclaim it.
The name of the film connotes a romance genre but the film poster portrays the complete opposite. The first thing you see when you look at the poster is a man holding a gun towards the camera, with a hard, uneasy expression on his face, this connotes a action/thriller vibe. Although, next to the man is a blonde haired woman staring at the man, with what looks like an angry but seductive gaze. This shows there is likely to be some kind of relationship between these two characters and a storyline is going to begin forming in the audience's minds. Another reason why this poster tempts the audience away from thinking the film is a romance is the font and colour the title is written in. It is in a rough font with red colouring, but the connotations this title gives of is more death and blood than love and romance. This could make the audience think that the relationship or romance that could occur in this film is likely to be messy and dramatic and not your typical romance film.
At the top of the poster there are two actors names above the characters in the poster's heads. This suggests the names are of the people in the poster, and tells the audience that these are the main characters. There are also five more names written in smaller lettering below the title, that are obviously not as important as the two written at the top but are still worth mentioning. The next thing in the poster that confirms what kind of romance the film includes is the tagline, 'Stealing. Cheating. Killing. Who says romance is dead?'. This shows the film is about crime and is likely to involve alot of action. All the writing apart from the title is white, so to emphasize the title and not take away its importance in catching it's audience's attention.
The poster seems to be aiming itself at a male audience with the main focus being on a man with a gun, but the introduction of romance and a hard, influential woman in the background may entice a female audience also.

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