Tuesday 30 March 2010

Magazine Cover Analysis

The above covers from two editions of Total Film magazine. Both main features are films with female protaganists like in our film so they are of high relevance and use to us. Jessica Alba plays Nancy Callahan, one of the main characters in Sin City, and Angelina Jolie plays assassin Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. Both are widely renowned for there attractiveness and are massive selling points for their respective films, so it is unsurprising that they dominate any publications such as these because their famous influence is enough to sell the film and the magazine. This theory is further supported by their expressions in the photos; they both have friendly and engaging expressions that, despite being dressed relevantly, suggest they are posing out of character considering the genre of their films and properties of the intense characters they play. This choice of depiction shows that the desired spotlight is on the actress rather than the films character- who publishers hope we will want to see based purely on the person who plays them. Another conspicuous aspect the publishers want to highlight is their feminine sexuality; both wear exposing outfits to excentuate there attractiveness. This will appeal the concept of voyeuristic gratification and men will be interested by the implied availability of the characters. There is a strong chance of romance within the narrative. The cluttered backrounds of both covers do not bring massive attention to the titles of the films which is a somewhat unorthodox decision, this can be put down to the idea that the appeal of these two films is centred on the prestige of the actors a lot more than other features. Both covers have strong gender implications including colour; both use schemes of colours that are emotionally warm and contrast the masculinity inscinuated by the black and blue of Batman's cover. It should be noted that Angelina Jolie literally has an air of blue around her which is theoretically an air of masculinity, hinting at the power and unconventional characteristics of Lara Croft. The red-orange used in the tomb raider cover usually implies attraction, desire, sexual passion and a thirst for action. It is popular amongst young people, who are likely to be the film makers target audience. The red-pink combination used in the second cover is associated with femininity, passiveness, romance, love, passion, eroticism and also danger, the latter suggestion is supported by the colours placement on a black backround which commonly professes danger.

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