Monday 29 March 2010

Poster Picture Analysis

I think that this would be the best picture for our poster as it ticks all the boxes that I think are necessary to draw the attention of our target audience.
We are attempting to target a predominantly male audience, so firstly we had to utilise our main seeling point of our film, which is the sex appeal of our leading lady, by having her lying in almost a vulnerable position looking directly at the camera, above her head resting on her hair is a gun, it leaves you thinking is she the type of character that would use the gun she is lying next too? This is more of a character poster than a film poster, but as our film is based around "Lola" we felt it needed to show her in a vulnerable position, but still having a pistol lying right next to her.
This picture also allows us to define our films genre by showing a female lead there is a possibility of romance or a strong imposing leading lady and the gun shows violence.

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