Tuesday 30 March 2010

Lola Trailer Analysis

The trailer starts by showing the distributor Columbia, which shows that a respected company is involved in this project. We are than shown a montage of a blonde female character putting make up on in a bedroom, this is used with lots of close ups emphasising the application of the make up it adds detail as well as making this act seem quite attractive to a male audience, The non diagetic music is a soft acoustic guitar which almost follows the mood of the scene. The montage is interrupted by title appear on a black screen saying "Revenge Is Sweet" as this appears there is a sudden build up of heavier guitars, which is showing a change in pace of the scene. When the montage continues there is a diagetic sound effect of a phone going off in the background, this catches the attention of the character and makes her move to the phone allowing the camera to pan out to a mid shot. When the phone is answered the music stops and we are than shown an exchange of dialogue between the character now known as Lola and this mysterious man holding a glass and sitting in darkness, he tells her he has a job for her and the short exchange of dialogue ends. The camera than returns to the bedroom and the music carries on, Lola than returns to her seat. At this point we are left with a question as to why this seemingly innocent girl putting make up on has anything to do with this mysterious man. Lola than opens a box in front of her and pulls out a gun, now the music has gone fully into a heavier rock beat and we are now informed perhaps of the style of film with clues from the music and the gun. Lola than begins to admire the gun and skilfully toys with weapon before looking in to the mirror with a sinister smile, now we are led to believe that perhaps this character is not quite what we expected.
The scene than moves to a completely different set, we are now met by a snowy, woodland location and a male character hopping a fence, apparently running away from someone, At first we are unsure what he is runningn away from but the camera than leads to a close up of a pair of ladies boots walking past the camera, When the unkown male character jumps the fence he stops to look around to see where his pursuer is, the camera than moves in to a close up to show the fear on the characters face, The male character than runs past the camera and down a path he shows how scared he is by running irraticly down the path and sliding on the icy surface. the camera than shows Lola move to the gate and casually rest her arm on it, the way the lighting appears on her shows her to look almost angelic despite the theme of her pursuit, any thought of her being angelic is lost when she looks down to her hand and the camera than pans to see that she is wielding a gun, now our thought is perhaps she is chasing this man to kill him and maybe her "job" is to kill people. The male character than gets to a clearing and he looks behind him and begins to relax, he than starts to relax seemingly now safe from any danger, he looks up only to see Lola standing over him pointing a gun at his head, Now we are left to believe how did she get infront of him, why is she chasing him and who is he. The editing than swiftly moves to another title (so now we dont know what happend to that male character) saying "But remember" and Lola is now walking down an alleyway towards the camera , "What goes around" with Lola moving ever closer to us, "Comes back around" it is now apparent that this is the movies tagline. The new shot is of Lola swiftly turning her head round responding to the noise of screeching tyres behind her, this now leaves the characters asking what will happen to Lola, The music than returns to its original acoustic music and we see a cartoon like image of the title of the film lola and a lady holding a gun.
This trailer shows the film to be about a female lead who obviously includes some violence in her life, however it still shows her to be afeminine character as she is taking time to put makeup on, but her other side being a femme fatale character, armed with a gun and chasing after an unarmed man, it asks the question as to whether she is the good guy or the bad guy.

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