Sunday 28 March 2010

Evaluation: Our film trailer: Analysis

Overall, I thought that our film production and the creation of our film was really good. As i had moved into a new group of people to work with, i found that we all had really interesting ideas to discuss and we all managed to get out points across. This way, we all managed to come to a conclusion on what type of film we wanted, who it was aimed at and how we were going to create this film trailer. I think that my main improvement from this years coursework to last years was the depth I went into when analysing film trailers similar to ours. I not only thought about camera angles, but how sound brought intensity to trailers, how writing within the trailers gave genre indicators and how the mise-en-scene gave some of the characteristics of the characters away. I believe this helped with the our end product because then I could back up my reasons for why we should do this sort of sound or this sort of background. As a group I think we all improved on how much more indepth research we did over the two years. In the first year we would only do primary research such as a questionnaire on what audiences want to watch at the cinema. This year, we not only did that but also moved onto secondary research, using the available resources on the internet to give us a more national look on what the British people want to consume.
In general we worked well as a team, the only drawback i would say to our final work was finding time for all of us to go out and film. As we all had different things going on on different days, we were restricted to what times and days we could do, meaning choosing settings for where we would film did change slightly during the filming process because of weather events that happened in the days before. In some cases, we would dicuss what we would film and how we would film it, and then let some of the group take the shots to make sure we got the trailer done in time. This then caused mixed reviews on the end product but we dicussed how to make it work to solve the problem.
I thought the actual trailer we procuced was really good. We used a variety of shots and camera angles to create our trailer. I think our strongests scenes were the final shots and the phone call. I think this because the phone call gave away the story line early on so it would attract our target audience. The final scene then left the audience watching it on a cliff hanger as "Lola" turns around when she hears a car noise. The audience doesnt know what it was creating an enigma which can only be found out by watching the film. I think to improve our film trailer, we could have reduced the length of it. It could be seemed to be more of a theatrical trailer rather than a teaser trailer which was what we were told to do. If we managed to reduce the time, I think it would have created more suspence and keep the audience interested. I also think in my opinion that the sound we used could have been different. I think a different beat which went in time with the different cuts would have created more suspence and action but the music we have is still good. If asked to do this trailer work again, I think i would of chosen a more conventional storyline such as horror where creating suspence and intensity is alot easier, but also a challange to make it different from any other normal horror, possibly going against the stereotypes of a horror genre film. I think i would then also do more research into how to make a film much different from another by creating a unique selling point (USP) to capture the eyes of the audience.

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