Friday 19 March 2010

Fantastic Four DVD Cover Analysis

This DVD cover has the same effects on audiences that a film poster would. The way each of the characters are spaced on the screen shows how important they are in the film. This cover is slightly postmodern because its a film about four superheroes, three men and woman. And unusually the woman is the main feature and the focal point of the cover. This may be because the poster is relying on sex appeal to invite a male audience in, the female is also a well known actress, arguably one of the most famous out of the four characters, inviting in even more viewers. Seeing as we only have one main character in our film trailer we don't need her to stand out from other people on the poster but we need her to stand out next to other posters and films in competition. This is why we can take some of the conventions used in this poster, which includes sex appeal.
One of the other techniques used in this film poster is the display of a possible setting in the background, which could be familiar to the audience. We could use this technique in our poster but this may prove difficult because of the limitations on transport and time. Secondly, from this poster the audience can get an idea of what super powers each character has. For example, one character is surrounded by fire and the female character is slightly faded, suggesting she may have an invisibility power. This gives away some of the narrative of the film and creates a story in the viewers mind.
Overall, this poster gives us ideas for our poster because it clearly has a dominant female displayed in the poster. This benefits us because we can see what features the poster uses to make the female stand out and look like the more powerful character, which is what we need to make our poster successful.

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