Monday 15 March 2010

Task: Kill Bill VOL 2: Poster analysis

Kill Bill Vol 2 is an action thriller film created by Quentin Tarantino. It is film we should look at as the dominant lead character is female which is similar to our film. Here is my analysis of the film poster and how we could use this poster when creating our own.

The first thing i notice is the knife or sword going straight across the middle of the poster. This tells me and the audience that this film may contain sword fighting and be full of action. Also on this sword there are asian lettering going down it. This tells me and the audience that this film will mix cultures from Asia to the USA.

The next thing i notice is the name of the film, "Kill Bill Vol 2". It is in big bold lettering and is coloured in red. This tells me that this film will contain voilence and most probably alot of fighting.

I next notice the six characters in show. They are all coloured in back and white against the yellow background. I think this has been done to make these characters stand out on the poster. Also, all the characters have got a serious face on with even one holding a sword above her head. This tells me that this film is garenteed to contain some sort of fighting sequence with it being intense and full of action.

The final thing i notice about the film is the slogan on the left hand side of the poster, "revenge is a dish best served cold". This tells me that this film will contain voilence but may included a bitter sweet death.

The poster makes each point clearly stated with the name of the film in red, the slogan white and the producer of the film in yellow. I think this way the audience gets to see all the important parts to the film poster. We should take ideas of how colour schemes are used.

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