Sunday 28 March 2010

Analysis: Shot tests for poster and magazine cover

These are some of the shots we shot of our main character for both film poster and magazine cover. There are some shots that are the same but with different colouring because they give off different effects. We will look at all of these and decide on which one we will use for each film poster and magazine cover. First we will discuss what effects each picture has and analyse it's qualities. Nearly all of the pictures include a gun being held in some form, we did this because its an easy way of hinting to the audience that the genre of this up and coming film is an action/thriller one.
The two pictures above show our character lying on a red satin covered bed looking away from the gun but still touching it. We believe the facial expression she is making hints that she is planning something and adds a hint of mystery to the poster. I especially like the colouring of the bed sheets because it connotes a seductive feeling with a hint of evil and death. It also helps the picture to stand out and compliments the actress and gun. Below we changed the settings on the camera to black and white to give off a different feel to the photos. The one on the left shows the actress in the same pose but this time she is looking at the gun, this makes her seem more calculating and mysterious and I believe it is more effective than the above two photos. The one to the right is again the same pose but is zoomed out slightly and includes the heels in the background. We took this one to see weather having a setting in the background would influence the effectiveness of the poster. We believe it looks good but is not a necessity.
The picture below is one of our favourites and we thing it could be used for either poster or magazine cover. I especially like the effect the hair has on the picture and also the addition of some cleavage adds some sex appeal to the picture! We got the actress to look at the camera with an evil stare, I think this effective because it some how entices the audience in.

The two pictures below are slightly different to the first three because the actresses face is hidden by a hat. The addition of the hat is to make the pictures look more quirky and we have covered her face to add an element of mystery and to tease the audience.

The next picture below is taken from a low angle with the actress staring down at the camera. This makes the actress seem powerful and give away to the audience what this actresses' character might be like in this film. This pose also seems quite intimidating which may be quite attractive seeing as its a female actress.
The two shots below are the more simple shots with a gun as the only prop. They are more concentrated on the actresses facial expressions but I feel they are slightly boring compared to the rest. We also shot these in a sepia setting because it seemed more flattering but I feel this colouring makes the picture look even more boring.

The pictures above and below are all shot on a different bed, again the sepia colouring is flattering but still quite boring. If I had to chose out of these three it would probably be the coloured one below because it is more striking. The pose the actress is making is also quite seductive and gives away some of what her character may be like which could be quite attractive to different audiences.

These three shots are again more closer shots. The first shot we thought might be quite effective because it looks like the actress is thinking about something important, which may intrigue audiences. The second picture is my favourite from these three, this is because it has a hint of quirkiness that you sometimes see on magazine covers, especially 'Empire Magazine'. I believe that the actress may not be in character like she would be in the trailer or film poster, but is more attractive because of her fun facial expression which I think is an important convention for a film magazine cover. The third picture below shows the actress looking up at the camera with an evil expression on her face. We thought this might be quite effective but we feel it looks more horror like and wouldn't really fit in with the conventions of an action poster or magazine cover.

These two shots below were simply experimental. They hint that there is a female in the film and we figured we would put titles and information in between the legs to create some kind of border. We will continue to play around with these to see if they are as effective as the pictures before are but they are alot more mysterious and don't give away as much about the film.

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