Tuesday 30 March 2010

Rubys Final Trailer Evaluation...

I think overall our group has produced a good quality teaser trailer that we should all be pleased with. Upon reflection I personally feel I have excelled the production I made last year which I'd guess is due to personal improvement and being part of a well working group. Compared to last year there are more varied camera techniques, smoother editing and generally more attention to detail as far as planning, titles, sound and mise en scene are concerned. I think it pays tribute to the good groupwork in our collective that our trailer shows influences and ideas from each individual. I think that group discussion was a strong point for us because we were able to consider a number of options for different decisions and narrow them down to the most effective choice. A difficulty we faced was time management, I think ultimately we overcame this and were able to meet deadlines but being one of the larger groups in our class it was sometimes difficult to find times outside of school where we were all free. I dont think this was overly detrimental to the final outcome but as with anything if we'd had more work time we might have increased quality. I think we used sound to good effect in our trailer; there was much discussion about when and when not to include non diegetic music and I think we managed to find a relevant soundtrack (inkeeping with copyright laws) and put it together well. The fact it starts softly and builds in time for our action shots is good and also compliments our idea of Lola having two sides, one normal and one not so normal. I think it's music typical of our genre which makes it a good indicator and I also like the cut for the diegetic dialogue as I think it adds drama. On the whole I think our mise en scene is good; the gun prop is another good genre indicator, lolas costumes create the image we wanted and I think we used lighting well, especially in the 'man on the phone shot' were darkness creates enigma and connotes danger/villainy. I also think our choice of actors were good. I think the minor criticisms that could be made with regard to the mise en scene are that perhaps Gregs character couldve worn something more relevant and we couldve used a more cosmopolitan setting as is often seen in films likened to ours. I think weve shown good camera work through a variety of shots; I think the beginning sequence of close ups is very effective as well as the other shots of Lacey's expressions which portray Lola as we wanted her to appear. I also think the main perception of Lola will be one that appeals largely to our male dominated target audience. I like the composition of our final sequence as it is bold and reflects the fact that the focus of our film is going to be Lolas character. Perhaps we could've used more panning and tracking than the little bit we did as this is often seen in our genre as it is good for creating a sense of lots of action and makes the audience feel they are actually there experiencing it which is engaging. Nevertheless I think the action part of the trailer comes across effectively mainly due to good editing. The trailer runs smoothly from beginning to end which is a strength for us- the ordering of shots is good and all transitions look professional. I believe the timing of each of our shots is effective, none to long or short, although it has to be said that the full duration of our production is a bit too long in terms of teaser trailers. I think this is just because we had so many ideas we wanted to include. I dont think it compromised the quality of our film but to improve next time we make a teaser trailer I think we'd all try to be more conscious of time. Conclusively I think our teaser trailer is of high quality and most importantly would appeal to our action 'girls with guns' genre audience.

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