Sunday 14 March 2010

Task: Wanted: Film poster analysis

Wanted is a action thriller film created by Universal entertainment. It became a hit success in both the USA and the UK. Here is my analysis of the film poster and how we can use it create ideas for our film poster.

The first thing i notice about the film poster is the arm of the woman leading to a gun in her hand which looks as if she is about to reload. The gun tells me that the film is most likely going to contain voilence or action. Then the background is of a browny coloured sky with the sun shining on the womans face and on her arm. This brightness reveals the woman in a serious look and also shows the many tatto's from the top of her arm to the bottom. This tells me that maybe these tatto's have something to do with her personality which can only be found out when whatching the film.

The next thing i notice is the top of the poster, where the name of the film is revealed and the actors and actresses in it aswell. When you read the title "wanted", the audience then realise that maybe the gun in the womans hand may lead to this film consisting of chasing someone. Above the name of the poster, we see the names of the people in the film. They are all on the same level and in the same lighting, meaning to me that all the actors and actresses are at the same level of famousness or how well known they are. Audiences will know Angelina Jolie from such films as Lara croft, which is also an action film and will most probabaly expect her to play a similar role. Morgan freeman will be known by Audiences as usually the helper in the film and know he will play a big role.

I then next notice the man underneath the arm of Angelina Jolie. He has a gun in either hand, which are both pointing towards us as we look at poster, this tells me that this guy could also be in this chase and maybe the reason he could be "wanted".

I think this film poster has a variety of techniques we should look at when creating our film poster. I think maybe the lighting of this poster should be looked at as it can give genre indicators and where the setting of the film may take place. I also think the gun in show should be looked at because it gives away who the dominant lead in the film will be which is what we want to show to our target audience.

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