Thursday 18 March 2010

Task: James Bond (Die another day): Dvd cover Analysis

James Bond is a on going film series that has been very successful in British and international media. The james bond film series usually contains James Bond and a woman. In this film it is Halle Berry and Pierce Brosnan. Here is my analysis on the Dvd cover and how it could help when creating our Dvd cover or magazine front cover.

The First thing i notice is the name of the film. "Die another day". It is going across the top of the dvd cover in Bold orange writing, also audiences wont know that this is a james bond film, until they notice the 007 under the name of the film. Audiences know 007 as James bond and will regonise the film.

The next thing i notice on this James Bond Ultimate edition dvd cover is the picture of Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry. We see Halle Berry Walking out of the sea with the sun shining on her in the background. This tells me and the audience that maybe this place is set somewhere hot and sunny and also that she maybe one of the main characters. Then the more dominant picture of Pierce Brosnan is holding a gun by his hand with a suit on. This tells the audience that he is most likely going to be James Bond.

Finally i notice the bottom the of the dvd cover, where there are 3 seperate pictures of different things. On the left side picture we see two people kissing. this tells me that there will be some romance in the film. In the middle picture We see two cars, this tells the audiencs that there maybe a car chase of some sort. In the right side picture We see 007 with a gun in his hand, this tells me that this film will contain voilence or action.

I think this film dvd cover will help us when creating our own. I think we should take ideas on how the film dvd shows the genres in the film to get the target audience and how the main characters are betrayed.

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