Sunday 21 March 2010

Task: Film magazine: Front cover Analysis

This is Empires january 2007 magazine front cover. Empire magazine has been around for decades and has been renouned for its good write ups. Here is my analysis of its front cover and how we could use this to help when creating ours.

The first thing that strikes me when looking at this magazine front cover is the name of it. "Empire", In both magazines i have analysed, it has had the same font and colour writing. This tells me that this is how audiences recognise the magazine brand.

I then next notice the dominant picture which covers the majority of the magazine cover. The man in the picture is staring right at you with his hand trying to get you. That hand position is also how spiderman opens his web. This photo has been used to try and literally grab the audiences to make them buy the magazine.

I then notice that this magazine is mainly going to be about Spider-man. This is because it says about the new look Spiderman and talks about how the film is unmasked within the magazine. This tells the audience that this is most likely going to be the film to whatch right now.

I think this front cover is good because it is kept very simple. There is one main picture and does not have writing written all over the poster. I think we should take ideas of this magazine of how simple it is and how it attracts its audience. I also think that maybe we should take ideas of how we betray Lola, and maybe she could hold a pose similar to this to drag our audience towards the magazine.

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