Thursday 18 March 2010

Task: Catwoman: Dvd cover analysis

Catwoman was released on dvd in 2004 containing Halle Berry. Catwoman was originally in comic b0oks but was then reinevented as a film. Here is my Dvd analysis and what i think we could take from it and use when creating ours.

The first thing that strikes me in this dvd cover is the name of the film "Catwoman" and the star actress who plays the main character Halle berry. This tells the audience that the main character is well known across film media and will know she is a good actress. The "Catwoman"is in gold colours with O in the word being different to the rest. this tells me that there maybe a mystery to why she has been called the name.

The next thing i notice is the picture the audience gets to see. The majority of the picture is in dark, possibly sugesting that this "Catwoman" only comes out at dark. Then we see the majority of the picture covered by a moon with a close up of what the audience have to guess is Catwoman. This may tell audiences that this charcter only comes out when the moon is in show. The woman in show is wearing all black with a black mask covering her hair and has claws for hands. This tells me that maybe she doesnt want people to know her true identity and to prove even more that she is Catwoman.

Finally i notice the buildings in show. This tells me that Catwoman does her job within the city where it is quite a condense area. Also there is a change from night to daylight. This tells the audience that she may do her job in daylight or maybe sometime in the film is forced in to daylight, but will only be found out when whatching the film.

In my opinion i like this dvd cover, it doesnt give too much of the story line away but gives enough to convince the reader to watch it. I think we should take ideas from how the creators of this dvd cover have chosen the settings. We should look at how we can make a setting for Lola in our film and give the right impression to audiences.

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