Thursday 18 March 2010

Shutter Island is the latest Martin Scorsese film, based on the novel by Dennis Lahane. The largest image on the poster is the one of Leonardo Di Caprio who we can therefore assume is the protaganist. He is a highly famous and attractive male actor whose presence alone is a selling point for the film, this is also why his face is particularly profound in the poster. His expression is of apprehension which tells us there will be some element of danger in the film, the flame connotes this and the darkness appears to pose a threat to him, we cant see what the threat is and makes the audience want to see the film in oreder to find out. The other main image of the island itself is illuminated and is obviously going to be the setting of the action. The crashing waves that surround the island make it look menacing and there appears to be use of pathetic fallacy in the cliched 'storm that tells us something bad is going to happen'. The titles hard-edged font and red colouring relates to blood and again promote the idea of danger. The films director is also particularly highlighted in the poster because of his previous success, this is done to suggest a seal of quality and to entice people who have enjoyed his previous productions. The small caption 'someone is missing' is mysterious and makes the audience want to see if they'll be found.
Elements we may reinact in our poster are; the style of font (bold, hard-edged, red) and its effect on the audience, the use of dark colouring, the concealement of dangers identity creating enigma, focus on the charcter of the protaganist.

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