Tuesday 30 March 2010

TASK; Lola Film Poster Analysis

The Lola film poster at first glance is quite clearly a teaser poster, it gives very little hard facts about the movie itself, but a lot of information via mis en scene and how you interpret what is in the image.
What draws my attention to this poster is the Attractive female character lying in a comfortable postion looking away from the camera, it makes me ask why she is not looking at the camera, perhaps she is ashamed of something or something out of shot hads drawn her attention. The character herself is a blonde girl wearing typical modern clothes apart from a hat on her head, this asks the question as to why she is wearing it, perhaps there is some importance of this hat in relation to the story or the character. The Girl is lying on what appears to be a bed which links in with the femininity of the character and perhaps links in to a relationship within the film, however the character has delicately placed her hands on a gun that she is almost treating as a lover which could show her relationship to he violence within the film.
The title of the film is placed going down the left hand side of the poster this shows its importance to the poster but not enough to take the attention away from the female lead, The title is Lola this makes us link the lady character to the name Lola so we now have a name to match the face. The writing itself appears to be glowing and also looks like it is making the rest of the page light up and where the writing is not the screen appears to be darker.
Finally at the bottom of the page is the universally used term "coming soon" this allows the distributors to see the response to the film and decide on what sort of release it shall get depending on the result, In this posters case it continues the enigma theme throughout and the mysterious nature of the poster.
To improve this poster i would perhaps use more details like a tagline, cast list, director, distributor or even an opinion of a critic, but apart from these criticisms the poster is effective in what it set out to do by advertising the film without giving to much away.

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