Tuesday 19 January 2010

Music in the Trailer

At the beginning of our trailer we intend on creating a suspensful moment so we feel there is no need for music during the initial dialogue exchange.
After the dialogue we than move to a montage of action detailing themes from our film, this leaves us with the perfect opportunity to use fast paced, punky guitar music.
Our group found it necessary that if we have any words in our diagetic sound than it would have to have a female lead, and the words would have to specific to what is involved in our film, for example the song Going in for the kill- La roux. The problem we face is that we require royalty free music, so we can search for the songs we want all we like but we are unable to use them so we used free music websites like http://www.royaltyfreemusic.com/free.html

After extensive searching we found that the song loop95 sounded like something we could follow up on.

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