Wednesday 6 January 2010


Initially the name of our film was going to attempt to specify the genre of film that we were aiming for, with words like assassin, femme-fatale and seduction being thrown around, After researching and brainstorming we came to the conclusion that any names we tried were either already used in other films or sounded cheesy and like a parody film, these included ; " Kiss Goodbye", "Man Eater", "Temptress" or " Nail Polish Off".
After going through films that have a similar genre to us we discovered several films with just one word being either a description of the film or the main characters name, like "Leon", "Psycho","Heat" and "Crash".
We concluded that to add an air of mystery to the film we would just have the name of a character we already knew we wanted a female lead so it needed to be a woman's name, this also helped us as this would attract male and female viewers, One of the first names to spring to mind was "Lola" as it was an easy name to remember and unusual enough for people to recognise, also as far as we are aware no other film is called this, Finally the name is also impossible to mispronounce so it should be a successful title and manage to entice an audience.

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