Thursday 28 January 2010

Target Audience For "Lola"

When considering the target audience for our we film we had to take several factors into consideration, firstly the genre, After concluding that the genre of our film was an action/thriller, With that in mind we knew that films of similar genre like "Long Kiss Goodnight", this film is targeted at men over 15 (due to it's rating) because of the violence and swearing.
However another factor to take into consideration is the lead character, if the lead character was a male, it would attract a male audience as it is a macho man running around and killing people, but in our film the lead character is a female, this could attract a female audience as there is a possibility of a romantic storyline or the opportunity to see a female in an empowering role. The age of the lead can also be a factor, for example we have a teenage lead so it is more likely for people of our own age to watch our film, unlike a film with an elderly lead than a teenager is less likely to want to watch it as they have less chance of relating to the character. The reputation of the lead can also be a factor, in our case this may not be so beneficial as we have a relative unknown as a character, but in other films they rely on a big name lead to pull in the audience, which is why its always such a risk to cast an unknown in a film.
The target audience may be attracted by who is involved in the film itself, for example when you see the names Spielberg, Scorcese, Tarantino or Cruise any where near a film the interest in it will spike tenfold, again in our case this isnt so benficial.

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