Tuesday 19 January 2010

Planning The Script & Shot Composition

Now the vast majority of our footage has been filmed we have began editing and are slowly shaping the final piece. We are currently focussing our attention towards allocating the order of shots, and also deciding how we would like our voice over and title sequences to be. We have opted to use a classic voiceover style as this is often present in action films so will hopefully indicate our genre well. Typically the voice is a deep and male which we have taken into account by appointing Greg to the role.

One of the points that has prompted much discussion is the decision to assist our opening 'make up scene' with titles or voiceover. It was suggested that as this scene is quite lengthy and simplistic in its content, we could add some narration or titles, possibly including a question to prompt curiousity. The advantage with this interaction would be heightened audience engagement and avoiding boredom. The opposing idea was to leave it completely untampered with; it could be considered that a sense of intriegue would be evoked without needing to 'spoon feed' the audience, and we were also made aware of the fact that some may enjoy the idea of 'voyeurism'- spying on the character. Theres also short diegetic dialogue in this scene with the mystery man on the phone which we need to finalise.

The next issue we are yet to resolve is regarding our penultimate scene, the walking sequence that follows the action montage and leads to the 'spin & main title' climax. It has always been our intention to involve the main voiceover dialogue during this period and we still stick by this decision. Our primary challenge now is to perfect the wording. At the moment we are toying with the idea of 'what goes around.. always comes back' (or something along these lines) but we are also attempting to come up with something that perhaps relates to Lola's story a bit more.. revenge is sweet? in for the kill?.. we also liked the idea of answering the question we may include earlier in the trailer.. its a working progress. Once we have something we like it will be a matter of deciding which words go on which caption shot, the frequency, font, animation, etc etc etc.

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