Tuesday 22 December 2009

Audience Questionaire

As part of the pre-production for our film trailer we have put together a series of questions to ask a group of 10 people about what they want to see and get out of films and their trailers...
1.What genre is most compelling when watching a trailer?
Romance? 20%
Thriller/Action? 60%
Horror? 20%
This result has shown that the majority of people agreed that a thriller/action film trailer is the most likely to catch their attention and win their interest.
2.Would you find a male main character more intriguing in a action/thriller film or a female main character?
Male? 30%
Female? 70%
After asking this question we asked the voters for a female main character why this was and they said because they see most action/thriller films with male leads and they believe it may be quite interesting and a good change to see a female leading this genre of film for once. This hints a slightly postmodern view taking of the current film and media, showing that the normal conventions of the action/thriller genres are changing due to directors and audiences looking for something different and new ideas.
3. Are most films you go and see a result of watching the trailer for that particular film?
Yes? 90%
No? 10%
Although the majority of people said trailers are influential over what films they chose go and watch at the cinema, the one person who disagreed claimed its not just the trailer but the posters and magazines promotion that also influences them and also whether it is promoted through the internet, showing the technological advance in how the promotion of films is changing.
4. Would you rather know who the main character is in the trailer or wait for the film?
Trailer? 80%
Film? 20%
The majority vote in this question was for the main character being revealed in the trailer rather than the film. They explained this is because the actors included in films have a huge influence in their decision for whether to go and watch that film or not due to previous film viewing experience.
5. Do you prefer short, mysterious trailers or longer, explanatory trailer?
Short? 50%
Long? 50%
This question was proved a tough one when interviewing this group of people because they could not decide. This is because they said they tend to rely on the storyline of a trailer to help them decide whether the film is worth watching, for this reason they would vote for a longer trailer. But then on they other hand they do enjoy the element of surprise and a short trailer that is extremely effective in camera shots, music and mise-en-scene but levels the element of mystery is also just as influential and create more excitement. So from this answer we are going to try and think up ways to take conventions from a short trailer and a long one so that all members of the audience can be appealed to.

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