Thursday 17 December 2009

Potential Fonts Within The Trailer

In our trailer we are going to incude captions and the voiceover's dialogue is going to be assisted by subtitles in some parts, we are also planning to conclude with a shot of our title 'Lola'. For this footage we obviously need to choose a font. This task may sound quite trivial but in actual fact the font we select will be an important representation of our film, especially as it will be used on the title shot which is often what people remember as it is the last thing we leave them with and the climax of the whole piece. With this in mind, we need to think what we'd like our font to encorporate in order to reflect 'Lola' as we want it to be portrayed. The font should be bold so that it is memorable and inkeeping with the big action theme, opposed to something more delicate. However, it would be good to also inject some indication of sexiness and femininity so perhaps something with a slighty calligraphic edge instead of other highly conventional basic action fonts. Failing this, on the title shot we could perhaps add some kind of icon like a gun or silohette leaning on the writing to create a memorable image. Potential options to follow...

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