Thursday 17 December 2009

Task: Film Trailer: Wanted

"Wanted" the film has been a successful hit and stars many famous actors such as Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie.

Initial thoughtsof trailer with out sound
.The opening 25 seconds of the trailer show a car chase with Angelina jolie being the main focus driving the car, this sugests to me that this film is going to have a dominant female lead meaning this film could be aimed at the female genre. The next shot is of her driving the car, doing a 360 turn to rescue what seems to be a another main character, this shows that this film will be intense and potentially be action packed. The next 25 seconds show all the main characters talking, this talking gives away abit of the story line which we as viewers have to go with when whatching the trailer. The next few shots are of all differrent types of guns with people who we as viewers regonise as a FBI or the "baddies", this shows that maybe Angelina is on the run or out to kill someone. The next few scenes are of one of the main characters being held hostage in a train, giving away a little bit more of the plot. This film to me will then attract the male audience as males like thrillers and action films.

With sound
.In the first minute of the trailer, we hear a voiceover of the charactor angelina Jolie picks up in her 360 spin of the car. He Then discribes to the audience about "how a woman can change your world forever", this tells us that there is a woman in this film that is about to save him. He then dicribes how his feelings have changed for this woman in the voiceover, suggesting there could be an element of romance somewhere within the film. The voiceover stops to hear Morgan freeman telling this man that he is a man a very few people who can "curve" a bullet. This tells the audience that that this film will have guns in it, so is most likely to be action packed or thriller movie. Morgan freeman carrys on his speach and talks about who these people are. He ends up saying that " we are an eternity of assasins" with Angelina Jolie saying "kill one, save thousands", these two lines give away the main plot of the films story line, and also gives away that it is going to be a action genre.

Within the rest of the trailer, there are fast snappy shots of what is in the genre, with the dominant shots being of Angelina Jolie. This tells me that she is going to be the one the main characters, which will therefore attract the woman audience and with the mix of fast snappy, car chace and other intense shots, it will also attract the men to come whatch it. This trailer i think is very big reason to why the film was such a success.

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