Wednesday 16 December 2009

Ideas for Trailer

After deciding what genre we were going to use we started coming up with different narrative ideas and finally came to our final ideas...
Beginning of Trailer
We are planning on beginning the trailer with a shot of the main female lead in front of a mirror doing her make up. She will then be interrupted by a phone ringing and the camera will cut to a dark close up from behind a man’s head talking down the phone to her. He will say one effective and relevant line and hang up. She will react by giving an evil and excited look and this will be followed by an upbeat montage of shots to build tension.
Montage Shots
•Shot of a gun.
•Shot of her running after a man.
•Shot of her taking a shot and smashing it.
•Flicking her hair towards the camera.
•Holding a guy by the neck with a gun out in front (holding him hostage?)
•Shooting the gun.
•In a fierce embrace with someone.
For the ending we plan on filming the main female lead at a low angle, strutting towards the camera. We plan on cutting from this shot to a blank screen with a hint of the release date, then cutting back to the shot of her again. Then cutting to another blank screen with a tagline on, back to the shot of her and back to a blank screen with another tagline. Then a shot of her hearing a noise and whipping her head round with a scared and vulnerable expression, showing how the storyline will change and adding a twist to the trailer. This will then cut to a big title ‘LOLA’ and that will be the end.

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