Thursday 3 December 2009

TASK: Kill Bill Trailer Analysis

Kill Bill is a fillm about "The Bride" who is gaining revenge on the people that stole her baby and shot her in the head, the film follows her through her bloody sword thrusting revenge.

The trailer starts with a plane flying over an Asian setting, before a series of production names and stating it is a Quentin Tarantino movie, The trailer than bursts into life with the word action heard over head before a slender woman throws open a boot with a motorcycle helmet, You than follow her to riding a motorcycling, and cutting between another female lead obviously of some importance as she is surrounded by other people, As the upbeat heavy music reaches a climactic rise we than see the back of the character in yellow and she turns to show us her face anyone who hasn't seen a previous Tarantino film than gets a "Uma Thurman" Subtitle across the screen, The music has now reached a faster pace and we are met by a montage of the lady in the jumpsuit having a sword fight with men dressed in black, this could be a connotation of light yellow colours signifying good against the evil characters in black, this could also be pying homage to Bruce Lee who made the yellow jumpsuit famous and it is now clear with the japanese theme that is dedicating it to him.

It becomes apparent that the majority of the main characters in this film are female as we follow the jumpsuited lady through each scene whith her violently encountering each character with knives and balls and chains. We than get a series of shots where characters are lloking down on the camera in an intimidating position, this could be showing the characters that could be involved or "in the way" of "The Bride".

There is than a close up of "Uma Thurman" and her eyes, the camera than pans away from her and upwards to the large mob of sword wielding hit men surrounding her, this shows her loneliness and perhaps vulnerability, but this feeling is short lived as it moves into a montage of more violence with "Uma thurman" beating up all this Asian hit men, with the stylish camera work mixing up black and white, colour and slow motion.
The trailer ends by emphasizing on the main character with a close up of her having a conversation, with the "bad guy" who sais "You didn't think it would be that easy would you" The good girl than responds "For a minute there I thought it was" it ends with her running up a banister and finishing of another henchman and the words Kill Bill appearing on the screen.
What ideas we gained from the trailer is to attract the target audience with what they want, so play off the female leads character "attraction", aswell as the overwhelming use of violence.

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