Friday 11 December 2009

Task: Takers: Movie trailer analysis

"Takers" is a screen gems (sony) produced film set for release in 2010. From numourous occasions of looking through the trailer, I think that this trailer should be looked at for its editing and sound choices which maybe a problem when editing our trailer together. Below is my anaylsis of the trailer.

Within the first half of the trailer, we get told the basic plot for the films story. It is about a group of people who plan to take millions of dollars from a city but will have the difficulty of specialist police units on their tail to stop this from happening. From all my other analysis of trailers, it has seemed to be custom to get tell the basic storyline first. I think this is good because it grabs the attention of its target audience early on which is important when making a attractive trailer. I think this movie has been aimed at mainly for males between 15-50 because as the audience have to go along with the story line given, it indicates that this is going to be an action packed film with lots of voilence and tense chases.

The actual storyline should not be accounted for in our film because our target audience is different and the plot is different aswell. But the editing of shots, cuts and montages we should look at and maybe use for our trailer. The non diegetic music goes perfectly imbalense with the first few shots we see. In these shots we get to see the setting, a plane and 6 people all walking at the sametime in a line. This editing i think is good because it already establishes a few interpritations an audience might get from the film.

The next bit of editing and non diegetic music we should take ideas from are from the 19-22 seconds of the trailer. Here the audiences witnesses quick flashing shots of what looks to be crimals putting head masks and touching and reloading guns. With these quick snappy shots, the non diegetic music between each cut away is of a gun being reloading. This editing and music choices I think is really good for the trailer because it works perfectly intime in the trailer but also gives more away of the film plot as the aduience gets to know that guns will be used in this film.

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