Wednesday 16 December 2009


This is the storyboard we came up with when thinking of ideas we could use for shots in our trailer...
Shot 1: This would be a mid, over-the-shoulder shot of the main character applying make up. This shot is to introduce the main character and make the audience aware this character is important because she is the first character you see.

Shot 2: This would be a seductive, extreme close up of the main character's lips whilst she applies lipstick. We are using the close up to build tension and make this actress's character come across as sexy and endearing.
Shot 3: This shot is a close up of a phone ringing, which will interrupt the woman putting on her make up. This shot will introduce a possible storyline to the audience.Shot 4: This shot will be a medium close up of the main character picking up the phone and answering it.

Shot 5: This will be a shot from behind this man's head. He is the man on the other side of the phone but to add a level of mystery to the trailer the lighting will be dark and you won't be able to see his face. He will tell the woman his orders in a deep voice to sound intimidating and powerful.
Shot 6: This will be a blank background with the writing 'Revenge is sweet...' This adds some narrative to the trailer and gives away some more information to the audience but still keeping them on their toes.

Shot 7: This is a long shot of the main character walking after a male victim who is running away from her. The fact that the man is running with a scared expression on his face whilst she is just strutting along carelessly makes her look like the more powerful character out of the two. We may add in some extra close ups here of the victim's face to show his scared expression (like the one below) and of her feet or face to build more tension from the fast paced shots.

Shot 8: This shot will be a full body shot of the victim slowing down and losing sight of his attacker. He will look puzzled and slowly begin to relax whilst looking around.

Shot 9: He will then look in front of him and in an over-the-shoulder shot his attacker will startle him and be holding a gun at him. This attacker is the main character of course and by seeing the woman assassin in action will give the audience a flavour of what role she is playing. This will hopefully intrigue both men and women because of the sex appeal and the 'powerful woman figure'.

Shot 10: The scene will then cut to the woman strutting down an alley towards the camera.

Shot 11: Shot 10 will cut to shot 11 with the writing 'But remember...' This narrative will keep the audiences focus for the end of the trailer.

Shot 12: The screen will cut back to the woman still strutting towards the camera, gradually getting closer.

Shot 13: The screen cuts to another piece of writing, 'What goes around...'

Shot 14: Back to shot of girl walking towards camera. (building tension for end)

Shot 15: Words 'Comes back around.' To end narrative with a twist and cliff hanger to make the audience want to see the actual movie. The screen will then cut to a close up behind shot of the girl who will hear a loud noise and spin around with a scared, vulnerable expression on her face. The screen will then cut to a shot of the name of the film and that will end the trailer.

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