Wednesday 2 December 2009

Charlie's Angels teaser trailer analysis
We chose the Charlie's Angels trailer as one of our trailers to analyse because we thought it would be beneficial because it has the same genre and female leads. This trailer having the same genre gives us an idea of what conventions, types of shots and styles we can use in our trailer, to make it just as effective as the Charlie's Angels one was.
There is a voice over throughout this trailer, it is clearly a man's voice and has a deep, serious tone to it. This fits in with the background music which starts straight away, this is fast paced and suggests the film's genre is an action. The first thing the voice over says is, 'It's a dangerous world out there', this also suggests the action genre . The fast paced music carries on throughout, keeping the action genre going. Near the end the music stops and you hear a phone ring in the background, followed by the dialogue, 'Good morning angels', 'Good morning Charlie'. 'Good morning Charlie' is clearly said by girls because of the higher pitched, fun sounding voices, which takes some of the seriousness off the trailer.
Camera action/camera shots
The first thing you see is a dark setting with a dark figure walking towards the camera, ithas the outline of what looks like a man. But then you see three girls jump out and land into fighting poses and strut towards the camera. The camera is at a low angle which makes the characters seem more important and powerful. As they come nearer to the camera you see their faces and it is obvious that these are the main characters. Keeping the characters in the dark for a while keeps the audience on their toes and makes them want to keep watching to find out who they are, this is a technique we could use in our trailer.
The camera then cuts to close ups of the girls faces, one by one. This is introducing the characters with the actresses real names being shown also, this shows the trailer clearly relies on how well known the actresses are to draw in a bigger audience. The close up shots show the female characters pouting with suggestive expressions, wearing lots of make up and flicking their hair in slow motion, this brings in some sex appeal and is likely to bring in a male audience. Although a female audience will also be intrigued because of how the the trailer makes women look like the more powerful sex. These ways of appealing to both men and women is something we aim to achieve and we intend to take ideas from the way the Charlie's Angels trailer achieves this. Next you see the same close up shot of a male, who copies what the girls do and it is made to look more comedic, this suggests an alternative genre, which is likely to invite the audience in further. This comedic view of the only male seen also demotes the male sex and makes the women look more important and serious, which is likely to appeal to more women but also be attractive because of the switch in the usual dominant sex, sparking more interest in the film.
The camera then cuts back to the shot of them strutting towards the camera, which is still at a low angle. Fire then comes from the background and takes over the screen, making a nice attractive effect. This is followed by fast mid shots of the girls doing fighting movements, such as kicks and jumps with serious faces, again making them look even more powerful and showing the action genre even more. This then cuts to the title of the film 'Charlie's Angels' with the girls standing in action poses as black figures, suggesting that these girls are charlie's angels and possibly explaining some of the narrative. Just like the analysis for 'The Long Kiss Goodnight' trailer we could take some of these unintentional displays of narrative and add them into our trailer to make it just as effective.
The camera then cuts to a black background with the words 'This fall' written across the screen, then the words 'Get some action' replace them. These words don't give away the exact date but let them know when to expect it, this keeps the audience waiting and adds a level of excitement to the trailer, this technique is something we can use in our trailer. The tagline also has the genre 'action' in it, bringing the trailer to an effective close.
Mise en scene
The clothing the girls wear throughout is black, smart suits, which straight away shows what kind of characters they are playing and makes them look powerful. This business like attire is the kind of clothing we are thinking of using in our trailer, to show the audience the character's identity.

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